May 28, 2023

Niagara's Colorful Legacy: How NPC has Contributed to the Region's Vibrancy

For over six decades, Niagara Protective Coatings (NPC) has been adding color to the Niagara region.

Niagara's Colorful Legacy: How NPC has Contributed to the Region's Vibrancy


For over six decades, Niagara Protective Coatings (NPC) has been adding color to the Niagara region. Our paints have not only graced the exteriors and interiors of countless local homes and businesses but have also played a part in shaping the identity and charm of our community.

NPC's Impact on Niagara

From the rustic reds of farmhouses in the countryside to the cool blues of lakeside cabins, NPC's palette has painted a vibrant picture of Niagara life. Our paints have also been a part of several notable local projects, contributing to the region's architectural heritage.

Our Community Involvement

NPC is more than just a paint supplier; we're a community partner. We believe in giving back to the community that has supported us throughout our journey. From sponsoring local events to contributing to restoration projects, we're committed to helping Niagara shine.


At NPC, we take pride in being a part of Niagara's colorful legacy. As we look to the future, we're excited about continuing to contribute to the region's vibrancy through our quality paints and community involvement.

Ready to Get Started? Get a quote today.